Company Profile


Tri Matic Spring is currently registered to

ISO 9001:2008.

We offer up to date dimensional and performance testing to meet all of your technological needs along with full traceablility throughout all of the process.


We utilize various in-line and off-line equipment capable of monitoring your products at all stages of the process and production.

Tri-Matic Springs has enjoyed servicing and satisfying their customers spring needs for over 30 years.

Founded in 1982, Tri-Matic has always been family owned and operated. Today we are manufacturing springs under a second generation of family members. We strive as a family owned business to successfully manage and maintain the high values and standards as set for us by previous generations.

The company prides itself on its ability to assure prompt, reliable, high quality products to our customers along with a thorough knowledge of design and use applications for springs and related industries.

In 1982 Marvin was working for a spring company that closed and left him with no job. Jobs were scarce and he was unable to find steady work to support his family.  But with his vast knowledge of spring manufacturing, he decided to start his own company.  His wife Glenda told him that he was crazy and to go and find a job.  But with faith and the blessings of God, Marvin started his plan to build a business.  

Tri-Matic Spring, Inc. was established December of 1982. It started in a garage off of Highway 69 behind the laundry mat known as Suds Your Duds. It was equipped with one grinder (that was built by Marvin and his son Jeff), one coiler, and a cook stove to heat out parts.  With 1 employee and one customer, Marvin set a goal of one day owning a successful spring company.

Tri-Matic Spring’s customer base is mostly automotive, lawn and garden, and also supplies springs to the medical, home appliances and fire extinguisher industries. They also ship products to numerous countries in the world including the United States, Hungary, Germany, China, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, and Brazil.

Tri-Matic Springs grew out of the garage and moved into a building on Eureka Street across from AD Service and Sheet Metal. In 1985 Marvin was looking to expand floor space yet again and with the help of the Savannah Hardin County Industrial Team, moved out into the Savannah Industrial Park.  There they have expanded 7 times the latest expansion done just last year with a 14,000 square feet building and have more expansions scheduled in the near future.

Marvin ran Tri-Matic Spring, Inc. successfully for 21 years. The year of 2004 brought Marvin a terminal illness that ended his reign at Tri-Matic Spring and he proudly turned the company over to his son Jeff who had worked with his father since 1986.  At Marvin’s death in October of 2004, Jeff purchased his father’s shares in the company and began setting his own goals.   Jeff’s goals were to become 100% shareholder in the company and to continue the success his father had started years ago.  The year of 2006 Jeff became the sole owner of Tri-Matic Spring, Inc. shares and is still growing the business his father started.

Today Tri-Matic Spring, Inc. is still a family owned business with over 50 dedicated employees including temps.  Jeff and his wife Teresa still manage the company under the same faith and contributes the company’s success to their faith in God. “... with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27